Dove, Female, 5-10-09. Weight: 4450g |

Shirley for Dove's last weekly photo. She is sure going to miss
playing with the pups each day!!


Dove, Female, 5-3-09. Weight: 3400g |



Dove, Female, 4-24-09. Weight: 2870g |



Dove, Female, 4-21-09. Weight: 2070g |



Dove, Female, 4-11-09. Weight: 1470g |



Dove, Female, 4-4-09. Weight: 1150g |




Yawnnnnn.... these photos sessions are soooooo tiring....
Dove, Female, 3-29-09. Weight: 764g |

Shirley helped with all the photos on 3-29.
Thanks!! :^)


Dove, Female, 3-25-09. Birth Weight:




have not been called
the "Brittany Spaniel" since the 1980's.