Dee Dee, Female, 5-10-09. Weight:
3730g |



Dee Dee, Female, 5-3-09. Weight:
2910g -The pups are growing up fast and
starting to develope personalities! Now is a good time to
visit! :-) |
Dee Dee, Female, 4-24-09. Weight:
2540g |
Dee Dee, Female, 4-21-09. Weight:
1850g |
Dee Dee, Female, 4-11-09. Weight:
1370g |



Dee Dee, Female, 4-4-09. Weight: 1050g |

Neighbor and friend Shirley helped with all the pup photos today
(4-4-09). Thanks Shirley!

The pups are growing well, becoming much more mobile and are just
starting to open their eyes.

Brittany pup eyes start out blue and turn the nice shade of amber as
they mature.
Dee Dee, Female, 3-29-09. Weight: 710g |



Dee Dee, Female, 3-25-09. Birth
Weight: 378g



have not been called
the "Brittany Spaniel" since the 1980's.