Puppy Photos:
Information and Links: |
Pups in order
of birth:
1. Sage,
Female -
Bozeman, MT
2. Dill,
Male - Hermiston, OR
3. Basil,
Male, nb* -
Havre, MT
4. Cinnamon,
Female, nb -
Missoula, MT
5. Fennel,
Male, nb - Lake
Zurich, IL
6. Mace,
Male - Darby, MT
*nb = natural bob tail -
where the tail is much shorter than
a normal tail at birth, a dominant
Weights in Grams
Photos I
Photos II
Puppy Aptitude Test
Mason, 7wks.

Basil at 7 weeks.

Basil, week 5.

Cinnamon at 7 weeks.
this page for the most current updates.
6-19-24: Turah whelped
6 fine pups.
6-21: Tails and dew claws removed.
6-26: Week 1 Photos published.
The pups are strong and doing
well. The photos and weights
are posted for week two.
They are starting to walk a bit
and play! Photos and wts.
Photos and wts. are
published. They are late
as I left for Ed's summer camp
in far eastern MT to breed Belle
to Indy and train Dune. I
am tired from all the driving
and training but have this task
finished today. The pups
are a quite, mellow litter in
terms of barking but are very
active when awake. They
will be wormed Monday.
They sure are funnnn!!!
Photos and wts. published.
Group comparison photos
tomorrow. They are rapidly
gaining weight and are a nice,
active bunch of pups!
7-25: Group I photos
posted. See link above.
8-1: Wts. and photos
posted. This is a very
consistent litter!!
Seven wk. vet check, first
shot, and 2nd worming on Wed.
Aug. 7th. Volhard pup
test date is not officially
set but should be the 7th or
8th. You can start
picking after those results
are posted. Thanks
owners for picking up all the
pups before I have to go chair
the field trial on the
21st... Tomorrow I am
off to the Bismarck, ND dog
shows with Trillium and to
pick up Belle from Circle,
Fri.-Mon. this week.
I am back from the ND dog
shows. Trillium earned
a major win for 3 points
towards her show
championship. Her Dad
Indy was Best In Show (BIS)
in the 4th show! The
Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test,
weights, and photos are done
and will all be posted by
noon on the 8th. The
first choice folks will have
24 hours from noon on the
8th to pick.
8-8: 11:30am: All photos and
wts. are posted as is the
Volhard test. The
tester is less experienced
than my usual tester.
You have all the information
you need to make a
choice. I will post
the choices in GREEN
as they are made. Feel
free to call.
8:30pm: First choice
folks have chosen.
9-5-24: all have
chosen. All health
items have self resolved as
expected. All to their
new homes! :^)

The puppy foods I mix together for the
pups - Victor, Purina, and Iams. I
will give you a baggie full when you pick
up your pup and you can transition to
whatever puppy chow you want.
Order of Puppy
1. Darby,
2. Havre, MT (KF)
3. Hermiston, OR (BC)
4. Lake Zurich, IL (DH)
Female Pups:
1. Missoula, MT (JT)
2. Bozeman, MT (RH)
At 7
weeks we will administer the Volhard Puppy
Aptitude Test. and deposit holders can make their
choices in order right after the Volhard
Test is completed/posted. Each person
will have 24h to make their choice.
Pups can go home after 8 weeks. We
encourage you to visit the pups often if you
can! If you have any questions about
this process feel free to give me a call: Todd
:^) 406-498-5236.
Photos below of all 6
pups on whelping day: (they are nicely marked...)

Sage, female, 292g

Dill, male, 304g

Basil, male, nb, 310g

Cinnamon, female, nb, 294g

Fennel, male, nb, 290g

Mace, male, 350g
Military Tactical Stimulation –
for young pups.
Tactical stimulation (between toes)
Head held erect
Head pointed down
Supine position
Thermal stimulation
- Tactile
stimulation - holding the pup in
one hand, the handler gently
stimulates (tickles) the pup
between the toes on any one foot
using a Q-tip. It is not
necessary to see that the pup is
feeling the tickle. Time of
stimulation 3 - 5 seconds.
(Figure 1)
- Head
held erect - using both hands,
the pup is held perpendicular to
the ground, (straight up), so
that its head is directly above
its tail. This is an upwards
position. Time of stimulation 3
- 5 seconds. (Figure 2)
- Head
pointed down - holding the pup
firmly with both hands the head
is reversed and is pointed
downward so that it is pointing
towards the ground. Time of
stimulation 3 - 5 seconds.
(Figure 3)
- Supine
position - hold the pup so that
its back is resting in the palm
of both hands with its muzzle
facing the ceiling. The pup
while on its back is allowed to
sleep. Time of stimulation 3-5
seconds. (Figure 4)
- Thermal
stimulation—use a damp towel
that has been cooled in a
refrigerator for at least five
minutes. Place the pup on the
towel, feet down. Do not
restrain it from moving. Time of
stimulation 3-5 seconds.
About Turah x Hank

Turah fetching a quail at 6 months of age.
GCH Warbonnet Wynd
Turing Firestarter, JH
Whelped 11-16-16. OFA: Hips Good, Elbows
Normal, #BS-18328G24F-NOPI. DNA Profile #:
V867212. By: DC Warbonnet Orion In The Big
Sky JH "Rye" x CH Firestarter's Chasing
The Sunset "Rae". Rye is OFA Excellent
and Rae is PennHIP .35L/.38R
(90th percentile). Turah is a smaller girl,
very independent yet biddable and friendly.
She is a super pheasant finder! Turah finished
her Championship in June and her Grand Championship
in Sept., of 2018. She has field trial
placements. She loves to hunt, is a real
intense hunter and holds her points very well.
She is REALLY into running on the bicycle when
getting into tip-top shape for hunting and trials!
See: Rae's
web page. Turah's

Left: Turah with Todd at a Field
Trial. Right: Turah on point.

Turah on the right, Oct. 2018. Montana
roosters she pointed and fetched.

Hank on point!
Ohio Hellion.
Out of: DC/AFC Grand Junction Jake x
NAFC/FC/AFC High Hopes Little Ann.
11/18/14. BS-17621G27M-VPI (OFA Good).
BS-EL1501M27-VPI (Elbows Normal). DNA #:
Hank naturally retrieves, naturally backs and is a
very biddable, calm dog. He's got a wonderful
temperament in the house and field. He won the
first adult stake he was entered in - Open
All-Age in Iowa at the age of 22 months. Hank
has 15 Hour Placements!
Turah winning at a show.
Puppy Contract - Choosing
Brittany -
Ethics -
Want A Brittany - Responsible
Breeders - Breed
Standard - American
Brittany Rescue - A Responsible Breeder
Should |