Hi! My name is Sari
and I started showing in Juniors when I was twelve years old. I
showed in the Junior ring out of practice at first because my mom
wanted me to. Then I realized how fun it was and how much
practice I was getting without realizing it. Doing Juniors allows
you to have fun showing even if your dog really... well... sucks.
At first I started with our male brittany, Jesse. He is beautiful
and really got me started. Then, once I got one first with him (you
have to get three firsts to move from Novice Juniors to Open Juniors) I
decided that I needed more of a challenge. He loved the show ring
so it was really easy to win with him. I wanted to show his
sister Maggie. She wasn't as showy and needed some practice as
well. Maggie didn't love the show ring and hadn't
physically matured as quickly as Jesse did. Showing her brought
us closer together and made me understand her little "quarks"
more. I showed her in Juniors and in the breed ring, so I took
what I learned in the Junior ring and transferred it into the breed
ring. I put every point and major on Maggie and I earned my other
two Junior firsts with her by my side. Then I had to move into Open
Juniors. Now that is a different story...
Every person who enters the Open ring for the first
time gets better at showing. Really fast! You learn by
watching, then you suck everything in and make a routine, soon you get
more confident with your routine, and finally you start winning.
My only secret is the secret that
every single Junior handler
knows and
uses. Confidence.
Confidence is everything in this competition! It really isn't a
secret that is kept. Once you get confident you can do
anything. My first (and only so far because I haven't been in the
Open ring very long yet) first place ribbon in the Open ring was when I
got confident with myself. Last year, I looked on a web site that
a fellow x-Junior Handler told me about and I was ranked #15th as a
brittany Junior handler at
Keep that in mind if you are in the Junior handlers ring or you have a
Junior who needs some help!

Me and Maggie. Big win, summer 2007.

Me Free-stacking Maggie